
About Giving

What is a Community Foundation?

A Community Foundation is a tax exempt public charity that enables people to establish charitable funds. Your fund will be added to our other funds and managed professionally, thereby yielding a maximum return. The assets in these funds will grow over time, creating the ability to fund programs using the interest while preserving the original principal. This creates a lasting endowment and a continual stream of funding for years to come.

You, your family, and your colleagues are encouraged to continue to give to the fund to help it grow even more, thereby expanding its reach. Grants will be awarded from your funds to support local nonprofit organizations, in accordance with your interests.

Foundation Leadership:

Our Foundation, like others, is overseen by a volunteer board of leading citizens and managed by professionals with expertise in knowing Wayne County's needs. We go beyond simply making grants that advance charitable activities - we also identify current and emerging issues, stimulate resources to address those needs, and help our county prepare for the future.